Published by Edition Othoniel, 2017
Softcover, 95 pages
30 x 23 cm | 12 x 9 in
ISBN: 9782956155706
A note from the artist:
In April 2015, the young and talented Mexican mathematician Aubin Arroyo shared with me his researches on wild knots and reflections theory, which he had been calculating and analyzing for more than fifteen years.
The virtual images born of these mathematical formulae bore an uncanny resemblance to the images of my sculptures. Arroyo first discovered my work thanks to the internet. Following the virtual encounter, he came to Paris in November of 2015 to visit my studio, and we spent a great deal discussing this surprising coincidence. What were the probabilities that our seemingly distinct worlds would come together? That a connection would be made between mathematics and contemporary art, between two countries so far apart, Mexico and France, between the rational and the intuitive?